Paralyzed Veterans of America Urges Congress to Address VA Budget Shortfall

WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2024 — Paralyzed Veterans of America National President Robert Thomas released a statement following a joint press conference calling on Congress to resolve the Department of Veterans Affairs benefits budget shortfall by the Sept. 20 deadline. Roughly seven million veterans and their families could see their VA payments delayed next month if Congress does not approve an additional $2.9 billion in mandatory funding for the remainder of the current fiscal year.

“As a nation, we have an obligation to ensure our veterans, their eligible family members, and survivors receive the VA benefits they earned. There is no time for hesitancy; we are days away from many veterans and their survivors losing the ability to pay their mortgages, utilities, tuition, and more. Congress must act now to ensure VA has the funding it needs so those who have borne the battle will continue to receive their benefits on time.”

Thomas continued, “After addressing our earned benefits, Congress must immediately turn its attention to deliver an extra $12 billion requested by VA to provide medical care for veterans in fiscal year 2025. While we support efforts to ensure VA is held accountable for the use of its funds, our veterans and their families – especially those with catastrophic injuries – who have given so much to this country must not be left to suffer in the meantime.”

In addition to spearheading a press conference with fellow veterans organizations, PVA also sent a letter from the veterans community to House and Senate leadership, as well as the House and Senate Appropriations and Veterans Affairs Committees, addressing the dire need to provide VA with the supplemental funding they requested on July 15, 2024. To date, 19 groups have signed the letter, urging Congress to act swiftly to approve the necessary funding so there is no gap in either benefits or needed health care. Many more groups are expected to sign on in the days ahead.

To send a letter to your member of Congress, visit To learn more about PVA’s 2024 policy priorities, visit

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